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Interior Design and Construction Professionals

Register to Receive Complimentary Catalogs

Complete and submit this form or fax us on letterhead at 1-416-491-7023.

Your Company Name:
Your Name:
Your email:
Your Street Address:
Your City:
Your State / Province:
Your ZIP / Postal Code:
Your Country:
Your Phone Number:
   (eg: 416 491-6425)
Your Business Type:
How large is your principal location?
 square feet
How long has your company been in operation?
How many stores or offices do you have?
How many employees do you have performing interior design?
 active interior designers
Name 2 other industry related companies you are aware of:

Do you specify other urethane architectural mouldings?
yes     no
Do you specify other gypsum, plaster, stone, GRG or GRC architectural mouldings?
yes     no
Please indicate (all) the items you require:

Balmer VI Products:

- I need a printed Balmer VI catalog

Gypsum Plaster Products:

- I need a full Balmer M Adobe Reader PDF

- I need a CD-ROM

- I need a printed Master Selection Guide catalog

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